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May 11, 2011


Okay, so remember how sometimes I get really ambitious and make all these goals and plans to improve myself?

Well, the coming of Spring has rejuvenated me, and I feel inspired to improve myself once again, or work towards something, or, at the very least, make some more ridiculous names for the week that sync with my desires for improvement. So here's what I've come up with so far.

Tuesday Tummy Day (work the abs)
Wednesday Weight Day (use weights. probably the focus will be the arms)
Thursday Thigh Day (not sure if this is soley thighs or incorporating butt. Gotta see if butt fits in elsewhere)

That's all I've come up with. I wanted to just start doing little exercises everyday to get this ol' bod beach worthy (I know, starting a bit late, but better late than never, right?), so I just need a day for abs, arms, butt, that's all I can think of really. So are the other days freebies? Monday Moon day? hmmm, a work in progress. suggestions appreciated.

Also, there is this silly idea that I'm running another half marathon in a month. The thing is, when I don't have a race planned, I make all these running goals and plans to get faster and endure and be an amazing runner. and then somehow when I do have a run planned, I get sick and feel tired and never train, maybe so as to have an excuse to do poorly? I don't know, I just know I haven't run since my last half marathon, so i feel this bear lake one may kick my butt worse than the first. We'll see.

Also, I'm planning on  a week of only fresh stuff, veggies, fruits, maybe rice cause I feel I will need something more. Felt like I needed some intense cleansing before my birthday.

On that note, I'm working to make this birthday one of the best ever. I don't usually make a deal about my birthday, but maybe the fear of a breakdown next year (30!!!) has made me cautious to enjoy this last one before that happens. So not that the fresh diet will make me love my life, but the rewards after will.

Any ideas for a fabulous birthday? I actually took a week off and I'm stoked. I want some form of camping. I want sees candy (thanks julie for already getting me wonderfulness in this area), I may want to go paragliding at point of the mountain, I want to do a backflip to prove to myself I still can, I want some feast with my parents, not sure the kind of cake, ice cream, maybe a jam session with Jo and the Gilchrist crew? hmmm. Oh and I want flowers.

So right. goals. I'm on it.