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March 26, 2009

Why I Can't Leave My House

Despite many plans of travel and adventure, I believe I'm staying in my house for a couple more months at the least. There are several reasons for this, some based on inspiration, some on fear of the unknown, and others are listed below.

Water. Water is very important. This shower may not look like much, but let me tell you, its amazing. Many college apartments have a problem with not enough hot water; if we have a problem in our house, its too much hot water! The only time there's ever been an issue was right when we moved in and were switching the utilities over to my name, and they turned the water off for a day because we didn't do it fast enough. Other than that, there's been plenty of water, and all of it hot. Do you know how delightful that is? And with some amazing water pressure to boot.

My bed. Sigh. How I love it. I don't know how it's so comfortable to me; its too short and nothing special, but man is it a delight. I lay in that thing and am instantly comforted, happy, at peace, I think I'll even use the word joy to describe it. How could I leave that bed?

And finally, look at these three. Some of the best roommates I've ever had, who I love so much and can't even bear the thought of leaving. Shoot, why mess up a great thing like this, just for a little variety and adventure? I can find adventure in other places-but there's no place like home!


Unknown said...

Can we go snowboarding tomorrow?

Allie Hite said...

you are so stinking cute. I miss you...don't you live like three blocks from my house?

Unknown said...

Okay, so I read this:
and I seriously wanted to nominate you for the first guy. Is that awful? Should I not have told you that? He is just so outdoorsy... that is all.