It worked! So my other blog page had a link at the top that allowed me to sign in and do things from there. I never knew about coming to this main home page. Lindsey has saved me, on this and so many other occassions. Let me list a few here.
Lindsey helped me get music for the videos i made. I don't understand computers or the different format media files come in, and she guided me.
Lindsey also designed our other blog and walked me through that process.
Lindsey faithfully comments on all of my posts. I love having comments on my posts, and it means so much that she reads them and lovingly remarks upon them.
Lindsey is always up for a good chat. Especially good when you need to rant about boys, dreams, frustration, life, confusion, and any other topic of despair. She brings up interesting points that help you feel understood, but also like you overlooked some things. She is good to talk to about non-despairing things too, anything really, She is witty and carries a conversation in the most wonderful way.
Lindsey satisfies my pumpkin needs on a yearly basis.
Lindsey is in Law School. What could say genuis more than that?
Lindsey is very calm and patient and fair-sided.
Lindsey is hilarious.
Linsey is brave and inspires others to be so as well.
Lindsey saved my frienship with smalls by getting rid of a cat for me.
Lindsey stopped me from spending 8 hours with the man I love and his girlfriend. Though I didn't quite listen and had to endure 1 hour, that was much more do-able than 8.
Lindsey knows Fleetwood Mac and Bob Seger.
There are so many more ways that Lindsey is amazing, too many to list here. Though I should mention she introduced me to hyperbole and a half, which is hilarious. She has filled my life with joy on so many occassions, and I hope she will continue to do so.
I love you, and hope things are going well. When are finals over for you?
Dev is Back in Town
7 years ago
1 comment:
Aw I feel so honored and special :)
Finals are over for me on May 14. Then my neglected little blog shall get an update.
I miss you very much, and I hope to get to chat with you very soon.
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