Yesterday it rained a lot. It rained during the night, and around the time I went to work, 'bout 11:30, it started raining again. I thought I'd work a little and if it got to much, go home and finish the next day. I got soaking wet in the first half an hour, but then it started lessening and I figured I could finish. Right at the end of the rain, and the height of the mud, I went to get a meter at the far end of this gravel driveway. There's a mean dog out there, and a gate that is usually open. Yesterday it was closed, so I parked my car outside the gate and ran in to get the read. Then I ran out, got in my car, and attempted to turn it around. There was a little pull out that looked perfect for just such a maneuver.
What I hadn't counted on, however, was the mud. The road was lifted a bit above the rest of the fields, which means the turn-around point was on a bit of an incline, and after pulling forward a little bit I tried to back out and turn around, and found my car wouldn't move. Curses! How silly. So I went forward a bit more, thinking, perhaps, that if I got more momentum I could blast out of there. Well that was even more silly, and I just got more stuck. I had a moment of panic. Who can help me? I wondered. Smalls was gone to class in Salt Lake, and my dad and brothers were no where near. It was very ridiculous thinking, but for a moment I felt like I had no friends and nothing to do. Looking through my new, very small contact list in my new phone I felt like most of my friends have moved away and are nowhere near Provo now. But then I found lots who are here, and who I have counted on time and again to get me out of my silly pickles. I calmed down, asked Dan to help when he could, then went to work while I waited, confident that it'd all work out and we'd get my car out.
He came with smalls and it took two minutes to get the car out, less really if I hadn't been trying to get a picture with my phone (unsuccessful). Then they hopped back in Small's car and drove away, and I went back to work. What I wanted to stress here is how grateful I am for good friends. You're out there, my good friends, all over the world. Friends who listen to me when I need to talk, cheer me up when I need cheering, give me advice and perspective when I feel hopeless or in panic, find numbers for me to call when I'm locked out of my car, encourage me in whatever endeavours I'm undertaking, and push my car out of the mud when I'm silly enough to get it in. (Dan, I need to point out that I know the log doesn't go in front of the tire, I had it under the tires and it helped on one side, but the other kept slipping down, so then I tried it in front of that tire, and it did help, just not enough. I had moved that log around from side to side and tire to tire about ten times before I gave up, getting thoroughly muddy and disgruntled, and so I left it there in its seemingly useless place. But I just need you to know I'm not that much of a girl. I knew what I was doing. Sort of.)
I feel very blessed to know I have you. To know I can count on you, trust you to come to me. And I wanted to apologize for all of you I haven't been there for. To all of you I have let down. I know I have, and I'm sorry for not being as good of a friend. I hope I'm better in the future. I love you all and can't even express how glad I am to have you in my life. Thanks.
Dev is Back in Town
7 years ago
Its funny you should write this because today at lunch I was feeling a little sad and lonely because I don't have many friends here. I just kept thinking, "I wish Switz was here so I could talk to her."
Miss ya, and glad you got out of your pickle.
Have you ever thought about how strange it is that we use the word pickle in that particular manner mentioned by Renny?
Shenstar I love you! Your posts are always so thoughtful. I'm so thankful for YOU. I love hanging out with you. I love your passion for music. I love your spontaneity. I love that you're always ready to adventurize. I love your stories...I could just imagine you with your car stuck in the mud. I wish I were there to roll around in the mud and get your car unstuck. I'm glad Smalls and Dan were there to save you. Ya know if you end up ditching the masters I think you'd like FL :) Ok fine that's just me being selfish wanting a great friend like you in closer proximity :) p.s. I've always felt that you've been there for me. And I know I can call you or show up on your doorstep's good to know these things, ya know? Te dua!
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