Sometimes I forget what a really good powder day will do for you. I am so glad I remembered today.
I did go running yesterday. And it was actually pretty good, except my legs get more tired than they used to by the end. Still, I felt good about it, and it definitely knocked me out into a blissful night's sleep. Also, I talked to Smallcomb, and she always makes me feel better.
Then this morning, I checked the snow report and 7" of new powder awaited me up at sundance. I had no choice but to go, right? Despite really tired legs that only got even more thrashed on the mountain, it was just sublime. I love snowboarding.
On powder. Sometimes I go up there, by myself, and its just boring. That's why I haven't gone much lately, plus the sickliness. But on a powder day, I don't care who I'm with. I may actually prefer being alone, to just soar through the snow like cutting through clouds. I love it. I even love the chop that follows, once all the excited skiiers/boarders get out there and do their damage on the hill. You always have to be on your toes, but with your toe end up! or you'll go down in an instant.
Today an added danger was the massive cloud that rolled in at the top and cut visibility to about 5 feet. It was ghostly and surreal and even more intense, but so fun! That was exactly what I needed to reclaim myself. I am excited again. Cloud Cult was kind enough to musicate my whole time on the mountain (not much, had to work still) and they are always so inspiring. YEEEEEEHAAAAAWWW! lets see what the rest of the day holds :)
Dev is Back in Town
7 years ago
yes liz, i am also bi-polar (no offense) tell sawyer he's in good company :)
Woah - a comment for me...xhamfare! Haha when was the last time you said that word? Well it's ok to be bi-polar, but just don't be offended when I use it, ok? I'm so happy you had such a wonderful pow-pow day! Did you miss Hornpowder? I bet. And good for you for running yesterday. You are xhamfare!
Hooray! I'm beginning to think I'm truly cursed and will never go snowboarding ever in my life. :(
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