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March 7, 2010

More Funny

Lets get some classic smallcomb quotes going.

"I'm grateful that men don't have leg pit hair."

"I smell infertility" ~smelling our new nalgenes

"It's his foo foo cuddley poops" ~ about her cat Shanks' dog toy which allows him to do death kicks

"Shena my Switzer, you have ripped my heart out and trampled it on the ground and stomped on it with your left foot"

"Oh right! oh, the red thing goes droopy" ~about the new utah license plate

"All you need to do is just suck on a tampon..." - exclamation from me,
"all I'm sayin is it'd work." ~ attempting to help my bleeding lip situation

"Your...forking arm?" ~said knowingly while nodding her head

"I will be your friend a hat shaped like a PT cruiser" ~declaring her loyalty when i drove the dorky car

oh, a great conversation that started with Jackie's weird itching thing...things make her itchy. So Smalls and I went for a dip in this reservoir, and it was nasty and filled with mossy plants. and here's the conversation:

"I think the water would make Jackie itchy." ~smalls
"I think the mold in my breasts would make her itchy" ~me (the water was really shallow but we had to dunk ourselves)
"Its not mold, its moss!" ~Smalls
"Moldy boobs! that does make me itchy" ~Jackie, when I told her about it

"You're interdigitating with spongebob!"

"I was thinking a bison was a snake"

"I remember when I attacked poor Dallin with the obligatory date hug"

"In case I run into any other boys I know-I'll be able to fend em off" ~brandishing a tampon

"Maybe I'll train you to eat your dirties"

"If a man lose a chip, will he not leave the ninety and nine and go after the chip?"

"Oye with the poodles" I commented on this phrase, and she said
"that is because my life has turned upside down, because of these dogs"

"I want to go outside soooo bad-I have this itch, burning...that sounds so bad"

"Can we say for rootin'-tootin' shizzle?

"It wasn't snowing down here before" ~me
"No, it definitely wasn't" ~Smalls
"Or maybe it was..." ~me
"It may have been" ~Smalls

"Put that in your list of what you want in a man. Must tolerate lactose"

"I may be spazy, but at least I solve world hunger in my spare time"

"I'm a queasy mcqueaserson" then, a few minutes later-
"See, I don't ever get queasy"

"Don't pet the trash in my lap!" ~about the cupcake wrapper i was attempting to have speak to her

"What exactly would have happened?" ~me
"Mildew man!" ~Smalls
"oh. Sounds scary. what does he do?" ~me

"You're a real sleuth, reading clues left and right"

"that kermit, he's a real class act"

"You have to work on your mug hoisting if you're ever going to salon it"

"I don't want your butt ice"


steinbeigle said...

Why did Smalls leave us? And by us, I mean you. She was your roomie. But I still feel left...

Lizi Bates said...

Oh. My. Goodness! Smalls these are amazing!! I'm so glad you wrote these down Shena, definitely some classics in there, haha!